Torsional Reinforcement
Corner reinforcement are also called as torsional reinforcement.
Torsional reinforcement shall be provided at corner of two way slab. The torsional moment are high near the corner therefore, torsional reinforcement is essential to prevent corner slab from lifting and prevents cracks.
There are two conditions for slab corners
slab corners are held down
slab corners are not held down
When there is upper floor or wall or column or any other type of load is acting on the slab it's called as slab corners are held down i.e. slab corners are not allowed to lift up because of those load.
While when there is no such type of load is acting on slab corners then the slab corners are free to lift up when load is applied at slab's centre, This condition is known as slab corner are not held down. This generally occur with one storeyed building
Keep a paper on a all around support(supported on 4 sides), then push the paper slightly down ward, you can observe the paper bending down at its centre, and bending or wrapping upwards at its corners (held down)and at the same time if load is given at the corner it doesn’t rise upward (not held down)
In order to resist these bending moments produced at corners, and to keep the slab corners in position without failure, these corner reinforcements will be provided.